Release notes

¿Quieres saber lo que nuestro equipo de desarrollo ha estado haciendo todos estos días?

May 2023

Release 23.05

New features

🤩 New mobile app updates released with improvements for image upload. 

🤩 Released the new dashboard for internal use

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Social Inbox : 

     - Disabled user search from users only allowed to see WhatsApp
     - Improvements to log and export

🛠   Live chat statistics: fixed the issue in updating statistics to be marked at the beginning instead of time of last update.

Coming soon

🚀   Chatbot builder V3
🚀   New dashboard
🚀   New Mobile App

April 2023

Release 23.04

New features

🤩  Flex: Introduced hotkeys

🤩  Social Inbox - Able to send conversations as an email to a list of pre-saved emails/ new emails

🤩  Customer statistics for internal use

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Flex :

    - Drag and drop for field settings under space settings
     - Improving the UI for call and meeting log
     - Improvements on csv upload, notification for upload errors
     - UI improvements on import/export modal
     - Statistics dashboard has line, pie and bar charts

🛠   Flex :

    - Import csv file on bulk upload
    - Color picker improvement on Space settings
    - Improvements on notifications
    - Import improvements - file type validation, drop down mapping UI improvements

🛠   Email signature : Toggle button to enable or disable tracking

🛠   Social Inbox : 

    - Modal UI improvements
    - IG and FB - page data now connected

🛠   Flow statistics: Redirect statistics improved and working well now

🛠   Fancy new devices for our Senior Developers, Vanitha and Chamara

🛠   Mobile App - WhatsApp messaging along with send and receive images

🛠   Flex - Paginations and auto-loading feature for list and kanban views

Coming soon

🚀   Chatbot builder V3

🚀   New dashboard

March 2023

Release 23.03

New features

🤩  Whatsapp Chatbot released

🤩  'Powered by Serviceform’ on Chatbots

🤩  WhatsApp: Send and receive messages now work with Social Inbox

🤩  Flex: Notifications and tasks

🤩  Insights Page: 

    - New statistics section for Chatbot reviews 
    - Recent reviews, Agent overview and Tool overview 

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Flex :

    - Drag and drop for field settings under space settings
     - Improving the UI for call and meeting log
     - Improvements on csv upload, notification for upload errors
     - UI improvements on import/export modal
     - Statistics dashboard has line, pie and bar charts

🛠   Popup - Added toggle to disable the default email notifications

🛠   Flex: Improvements on user tagging and notifications

🛠   Statistics : Added new flow stats page

🛠   Chatbot:

    - Improved carousel image size 3x
    - Multifields on bot, you can now type in text area and it would fill in the multifields

🛠   Social inbox: 

    - The chat of the agent is now on the right side
    - Improvements on SI to make it faster and more efficient
    - Reviews and feedback now visible

🛠   Leadbar: Fix for disable email notifications

🛠   Ourly: Calendar owners number is now visible on email once a submission is made

🛠   Nimesha got a new QA buddy, Rahumath

🛠   Mobile app: Archive button added

Coming soon

🚀   Flex improvements

🚀   New Chatbot Builder

🚀   Flow statistics- Redirect Stats

February 2023

Release 23.02

New features

🤩   Chat builder: Moved to react app

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Flex :

    - Drag and drop for field settings under space settings
     - Improving the UI for call and meeting log
     - Improvements on csv upload, notification for upload errors
     - UI improvements on import/export modal
     - Statistics dashboard has line, pie and bar charts

🛠    Mobile App

    - Online - offline button for all pixels
    - Minor bug fixes

🛠    Improved Outlook login to the Serviceform dashboard

🛠    Ourly -  now correct time zones will be displayed for your event

🛠    Valery made a carrot cake for our Spanish office

🛠    Popup and Floating Bar - Added a toggle to disable the default email notification 

🛠    Mobile App - Online/Offline button works for pixels and bug fixes

🛠    Benjamin officially completed Ourly V1! 

🛠    Chatbot builder- improvements to long message field

Coming soon

🚀   New dashboard

🚀   Insights Page - Chatbot stats

🚀   Flex notifications

January 2023

Release 23.01

New features

🤩   Successfully completed the first release for the new year

🤩   Released the Industry mapping app for internal use 

🤩   Live chat on desktop has a "multi chat" that allows you to talk to multiple customers at the same time

🤩   When a tool is published through the install page, the tool status will automatically update to live on the create page

🤩   Flex activities added

🤩   Mobile App: Published to Android and iOS store

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Mobile App : 

    - Leads page
     - Basic Statistics page 
    - Account page to manage notifications 

🛠    Email signature manager - Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    New customers to Flex: The person who closed the sale will get assigned to the company created in Flex

🛠    Ourly improvement list:

     - Outlook event retrieving fixes
     - Multisearch event improvements
    - UI improvements and bug fixes 
    - Can now check how many meetings users have in round robin, and also reset the meeting count if for example someone new joins
    - Custom fields are now appendable to the event name For example "Client meeting" can be appended by a custom field containing more information Event name will then be "Client meeting - custom field answer"
    - Ourly now displays who you are booking within the same box as other event information
    - Changed some images to icons
    - Jarkko discovered a new land and flew there
    - Language versions for Ourly booker email
    - Confirmation email now uses two separate email templates, one with more information for calendar owners, and a more simplified version for the booker
    - Fixes to the setting and resetting booking counts in dashboard repo

🛠    Dashboard - Re-added fallbacks for slots and overrides 

Coming soon

🚀   WhatsApp messaging for Social Inbox

December 2022

Release 22.12

New features

🤩   Serviceform user login: Added Outlook login

🤩   New version of statistics

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   iOS and Android Application V2:

     - Lead handling 
     - Statistics
     - UI improvements
    - Live chat

🛠   Ourly:

     - Blocking dates and UI improvement
     - Statistics UI improved (Chart added for master users)
     - Make blocking work for all Multi calendar events

🛠   Social Inbox :

      - Added notifications on and mark online/offline

🛠   Dashboard :

       - Toggle added to show your state in account tab
      - Live chat override under install page

🛠   Forms : Added email copy field to forms

🛠  Benjamin made a mini DIY christmas tree

🛠   Flex improvements and bug fixes

🛠   Email signature bug fixes

🛠   Mobile app: Chats, Leads, Stats and account page

🛠   Industry mapping dashboard

🛠   Improving speed of website analytics by 20x

Coming soon

🚀   Ourly improvements

🚀   Mobile App

🚀   Industry mapping

November 2022

Release 22.11

New features

🤩   Ourly:

    - New multi-search event
     - Additional functionality to select specific event types (get 5 lowest bookings)
     - Language templates depending on dashboard language.

🤩   Flex : Backups added under settings to restore a previous version.

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Added support to change the image in the thank you page (No image if removed)

🛠   Added image and name of the person you are currently booking with (Round robin and Random selection event types only)

🛠   Improved mobile responsiveness and visual improvements for smaller devices

🛠   Modal closing button

🛠   Hamaad was promoted as the Fire Marshal

🛠   Header and footer text + image customisation on thank you page.

🛠   Meeting location dropdown bug fixed

🛠   Currently booking with information added to ‘Select calendar’ event type.

🛠   Overall css fixes.

🛠   Improvements on the ‘multi-search’ event type

Coming soon

🚀   Serviceform user login - Outlook 

🚀   Email Signature

Oct 2022

Release 22.10

New features

🤩   Live chat notifications improved

🤩   Chatbot: Flowmap V1

🤩   Serviceform Workflows UI

🤩   Flex access control feature

🤩   Flex relations fields

🤩   New Multi-search event type in Ourly

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Social inbox: Multiple bug fixes

🛠    Live chat notification improvements: 

     - Blinking notification in the tab for new conversations (Stops when you click on the tab)
     - Reminder banner in the dashboard when it detects inactivity
     - Added a second notification if no one answers within 15 secs
     - Notification sound from a chat moved to you is added.
     - Notification sound from a chat moved to your team is added.
     - Improvements to looping sound feature.      

🛠   Ourly: Added location dropdown to events to select location as Meets, Teams or Other (Other = No meeting link)

🛠   Team member invitation - Added dropdowns to select “Team” and “Role” when inviting users

🛠   Hamaad fixed his bicycle tyre patch himself.

Coming soon

🚀   Mobile App update

🚀   Flex Internal release

🚀   Email signature builder

Sep 2022

Release 22.9

New features

🤩   Flex: Realtime workspaces

🤩   Ourly: Added WFH support for Outlook calendars

🤩   Mobile app improvements

🤩   Flex: Import/export

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Improved DIY blocks with redirects to help pages and billing pages

🛠   Ourly bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Cookie controller optimisations

🛠   Benjamin is in Hungary

🛠   Social inbox chat data improvements

Coming soon

🚀   Flex: Improved access controls

🚀   Improved Live chat notifications

🚀   Mobile App new version

Aug 2022

Release 22.8

New features

🤩   Cookie controller preview released

🤩   Ourly: Select calendar feature is live

🤩   Flex: Field collections and grouping added

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Social inbox UI improvements

🛠    New and improved flow statistics UI

🛠    Best CTO in Serviceform went on vacation

🛠    Improvements to lead export function

🛠    Ourly industry templates (Automotive, Educations and Sales)

Coming soon

🚀   Mobile app improvements

🚀   Flex improvements

July 2022

Release 22.7

New features

🤩   Flex: Email sync is now live

🤩   Ourly: Round robin feature is live

🤩   Chatbot: FLOWMAP™ feature released

🤩   Flow statistics table released - Easily copy & paste /export your stats to excel

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Statistics API - data re-structured to provide more details

🛠   Flex: New and improved comment box with user tagging enabled

🛠   Ourly: statistics improvements

🛠   Free email signature creator improvements

🛠   Valery made margaritas

Coming soon

🚀   Improved Social Inbox Statistics

🚀   Email campaign builder

June 2022

Release 22.6

New features

🤩   Ourly launched

🤩   API for statistics: Customers can pull all their statistics from Serviceform.

🤩   New billing page for DIY customers

🤩   Free email signature builder

🤩   Carousel question type V1 is live in the chat builder

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Ourly: Team statistics improved

🛠    Ourly: Calendar sync improved

🛠    Our senior engineer Vanitha killed a ton of bugs

🛠    Flex: Add multiple assignees to one item

🛠    Flex: Overall improvements

Coming soon

🚀   Improved Social Inbox Statistics

May 2022

Release 22.5

New features

🤩   New DIY onboarding process

🤩   Ourly - Calendar statistics (Number of views, interactions and bookings)

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠   Ourly - Webhook support

🛠   Ourly - Builder is much cleaner and easier to use

🛠   Flex CRM improvements:

     - Added reviews and review comments to Social Inbox
     - Social inbox improvements
     - Benjamin went to a dog show

Coming soon

🚀   Free email signature builder

🚀   Carousel builder

April 2022

Release 22.4

New features

🤩   You can now receive leads as an SMS

Bug fixes and improvements

🛠    Social inbox search filter improved

🛠    Social inbox - Facebook comments and comment replies

🛠    Ourly meeting scheduler :

     - CSS box added for advance customization
     - Copy calendar templates from master user
    - Overall improvements

🛠    CRM internally released. Now available for the entire Serviceform team! 

🛠    Chatbot preview background image uploader has a free hand cropper now

🛠    Added button to remove uploaded logo’s, avatar’s and other images.

Coming soon

🚀   Carousel question type in the DIY chatbot builder

February 2022

Release 22.2

Bug fixes and Improvements

🛠    Added option to add custom live chat notification sounds

🛠    You can also loop the live chat notification sound until an agent join

🛠    Hide live chat text area in the chatbot based on agent availability

🛠    Chatbot builder: Email subject field now support tags (e.g #question2, #token4 etc)

🛠    Chatbot builder: Button to disable the options in the popup on mobile

🛠    Chatbot builder: added option to hide the popup of the chatbot if it’s closed once (Will be hidden for 12 hrs)

March 2022

Release 22.3

Bug fixes and Improvements

🛠    Web hook fields now support two web hooks. (Chatbots and forms)

🛠    Added timezone dropdown for the Calendar

🛠    Social inbox: Now you can upload and send files to your Facebook messenger conversations

🛠    Added an "Install tool" button to all tool builders to easily publish the tools

🛠    Improved and cleaned the statistics breakdown UI

January 2022

Release 22.1

Bug fixes and Improvements

🛠    Fixed issues with application not allowing multiple images and uploads

🛠    Live chats and bot discussions can now be sent as email copies

🛠    Insights speed improvements and caching

September 2021

Release 21.9

Bug fixes and Improvements

🛠    Major changes - moved to under for scalability

🛠    Note: This might cause some issues with custom integrations and our team is working hard to prevent this from happening

🛠    New forward facing website is released

🛠    Our helpdesk is released at

August 2021

Release 21.8

Bug fixes and Improvements

🛠    Fixed issues with livechat notification sounds

🛠    Fixed issues with livechat scrolling

🛠    Improved livechat search

🛠    Added custom JS functionalityt for forms

🛠    Prevented new users from releasing forms before approval - due to phishing

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